
Showing posts with the label coffee taste

Understanding Gourmet Coffee Labels And Roasts

Coffee is a staple in many morning routines. Why not make it better by choosing a gourmet coffee? This type of coffee tastes better and offers a nice pick me up in the morning and throughout the day. When choosing gourmet it is important to understand the differences between roasts and labels. Understanding Beans Coffee comes in many different types of beans. The most common, and expensive is Arabica. This is because it offers a complex flavor and is also available in multiple varieties. These varieties include Bourbon, Blue Mountain and Typica. If you're looking for a more caffeinated blend then you may want to choose Robusta beans. They are used as a filler for lesser quality coffees, however offer more caffeine, it also has a more bitter taste. It is important to also look at the origin of the beans. Some companies do not list the origin. However, if you are able to find it based on country, region, and even farm, you will have a better idea of the quality of the bean. ...